Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A Sex Object

I'm not someone that enjoys one night stands. On the off chance that I have been involved in one it's usually due to her preferences rather than mine. Often what I expect would be nothing more than a one nighter turned into a longer, more fruitful relationship.
That's what I expected that night. I had been invited to her party by her good friend, who is a friend of mine. I didn't know her but mainly went to see my friend. It turned out to be a fantastic party and I got along very well with the birthday girl. So well, in fact, that she took me to her bed at the end of the night. I was a bit nervous because I didn't want to lead her on and wasn't sure it was the right decision but afterwards I realized I had little say in the matter at all.

She undressed me and seemed to take great pleasure in doing so. When I was naked she brazenly examined me and though we did not have sex that night she took advantage of the man in her bed. I enjoyed her as well, though I could not deny the undercurrent of domination between us. She directed me and made no disguise of her appraisal of my nudity. The fact that she was so forthright with her desires excited me terribly.

The next morning we talked casually as two old friends would. We had a lot in common and I grew disappointed knowing I probably wouldn't see her again. There have been numerous times when women have had their fun and left me with only memories. I thought this would be one of those so I was suprised to get a phone call from her the next day. We meet soon after and that time we did have sex, on her terms, of course.

Before then, however, she told me all about her friends' reactions to what she told them about me. I'm in good shape and, though I'm well endowed, I never thought myself that larger than most men. She related how happy she was when she saw my size and how proud all her friends were when they heard. She was very pleased with my body and she constantly commented on it until I felt like I was on display. I began to think this is what it must feel like for a woman. Men, driven by their urges, constantly leer at and judge women on their looks and bodies. This is a woman who was driven by the same impulses.

When we were together she wanted me to be naked and I took a special delight in telling her when I was aroused when I was clothed. She had a cock fetish and constantly brought up my size, even asking me to wear shorts of her choosing so her friends could see when we attended a barbecue together.
I felt like a sex object and lived up to it. I made myself available to her whenever and however she liked and sent photos to her phone when I wasn't around. I became her slut and open to any of her fantasies or experiments. All her friends knew of our relationship and, I'm sure, knew of all of my most private secrets.

With society becoming more and more comfortable with womens' sexuality, women are becoming more and more honest about their wants. I can't think of a downside to this, as a happy and fulfilled woman makes for a better relationship and a better world overall, but men must learn where they fit in. For too long women have been the main sex objects of the world but now men are being seen as nothing more than eye candy for women. Actors who have nothing more to offer than their looks and bodies are getting top billing and being paid millions while every man is expected to put more thought and care into his appearance. Women are congratulated for leaving men that have let themselves go and finding more attractive men they can enjoy.

As egotistical as it may sound, I find myself being looked at in such a way each time we are together. When out with her friends I'm sure she encourages them to look as she does. This is a role I, as well as every man, must get used to whether we prefer it or not.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Stealth Submission

A long pause between posts. That's due to many things, mainly work and life intervening. I find I must put my personal self on the backburner when life's responsibilities come to the fore. I suppose everyone does. Throughout it all, however, I continue to feel a constant pull towards submission. I'm not always able to dwell on it or feel it fully, though it pops up occasionally. Recently I've had more time to reflect and this is what I've found...

When involved with a woman I've always taken the submissive role without realizing it. This is appropriate because it fits my personality but I know now I've acted this way since I was very young and didn't date.

When involved with a woman I can't remember a time when I wasn't the first person stripped naked. There have even been occasions when I've been naked for a woman on our first date. It just seems natural that way. I'm more comfortable naked and it's a show of my submission when I am while she is not.
I cook a lot and often. Many, many times I cook for the woman so that now it's expected. While not necessarily a submissive thing, it can be seen as such. I enjoy cooking and do it a lot on my own but the feeling of having a woman wait on me while I work over the stove could be seen as a reversal to some. Often the woman volunteers to do the dishes and clean up as a way to equal things out, which I appreciate.
Most often, when we're physical, I pace myself to her needs. Many times I do not come. I enjoy it thoroughly, but I realize my place is in pleasing her and often my own orgasm is neglected in favor of her wants. Some women have realized my reticence in coming, others haven't. Or, at least, they didn't concern themselves enough to mention it.
I do a lot of things the woman would love that you hear about in all those relationship manuals- I give frequent massages, lots of kisses, caresses and tell her what she needs to hear. That's not always easy for me. In fact, it can be very difficult, but I know it makes her happy. I want her to be happy- that's the whole point.

I take this further and kiss and lick her feet, even sucking her toes. This is something I don't get aroused by since I'm not a foot fetishist but I've never met a woman that didn't enjoy her feet getting licked and sucked if done right. I've unknowingly turned many otherwise "vanilla" women into foot queens after they feel a warm tongue on the sole of their foot.
I've probably gone down on my woman more than any other man I can think of. It becomes so familiar that I learn every spot of her sex. I once watched Nina Hartley's tutorial on cunnilingus and she said it's a way of showing reverence and respect and I can't agree more. When I'm giving my lover such attention it's a form of worship. It clears my mind, calms me and makes me feel more complete as a man and a person. It's difficult to describe to someone that doesn't feel the same way but it's a biological and emotional need. I need to go down on her, I need that time to join with her in such a way, it keeps me balanced I'm ground. In fact, I remember once reading a scientific study that said men that practice oral sex on their wife are less stressed than those that refuse.
There are times when I have caught up in such worship and, while my lover enjoys the attention, I have passed my tongue over her anus. This is something it took me a long time to accept. Even when I first realized my submissive nature, I still thought such an act was incredibly degrading and only after a period of training and breakdown did I finally accept it as a form of affection and deference. I still have difficulty with it at times but, caught up in the moment of submission, it seems appropriate and, as expected, every woman enjoys the unique attention.
There are all things I've done without realizing it. They became second nature to me and whether the relationship veered in the direction of female domination or not, they are wonderful ways to show the woman your feelings without pressuring her to take on a role she may not be comfortable with. Men that feel such feelings and are afraid to show them either to themselves or their woman, may feel more comfortable following such an example and practice a form of stealth submission that all women enjoy.