Thursday, December 28, 2006

How to weaken a man

Every man has a very personal relationship with his penis that women will never know. It is where we receive our greatest pleasure, the center of our masculinity and a source of pride while also causing us our share of anxiety, stress and for some disappointment. It often leads us to the wrong decision, influencing our judgment though it is a woman's best tool to draw a man into submission.

Throughout his life every man is directed by it in one way or another. It compels us to go against our better judgment and tempts us. It is to a woman's advantage when she understands how much it affects a man's mind and how much of a hold it has over him. If she can tame his cock and lead it to her any man will helplessly follow.

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Often referred to as a wife's best friend, a man's penis can be the quickest route to a woman drawing out her man's submission. Give it enough attention but not too much, let him know how special it is to you and let him know you control it through your actions. Keep it eager, keep it hungry and keep it hard. Play with female controlled chastity while you enjoy orgasm after orgasm. The more a man is kept stimulated without orgasm the more he begins to truly understand the needs of a woman. The intensity and the need grow to a point that a man is helpless. If done right, all his thoughts, his only concern will be for his woman.

Use this power wisely, it is more powerful than you imagine. A man is never so submissive as when he realizes a woman has dominion over the most male part of him.


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