Monday, October 09, 2006

Submission and Dating

I'm currently thinking of a new title for this blog. I don't particularly like the one I chose, it's too impersonal. You would be surprised what has been taken.

I've always understood this side of myself. I have always been very self aware and zeroed in on exactly what enticed me. I wasn't afraid of it, rather the more I learned the more I wanted to learn.

I found out I am drawn more to the disciplinary aspect of submission. I enjoy bondage but it pales when compared to how I feel about spanking and correction. I know it is tied into my childhood (I may get to that later) and much of my fantasies pertain to being a youth. Authority figures excite me- the stereotypical governesses, teachers, nurses, what have you.

At first I didn't pursue this though I always ended up dating women that were, in some ways, "above" me. They were older, more educated, more established, sometimes they were mothers or divorcees. I don't often have trouble getting dates. I've been told I'm attractive and the reactions I provoke attest to that. I look younger than I am and still can be naive and shy at times. I think it draws women that look for the "boyish" type of men. They are maternal, protective and usually authoritative, at least to a point.

Subconsciously, I suspect, I sought out that type of woman. I've never been one for the empty headed, fashion obsessed, heavily made up women that seemed to proliferate in college but went towards the studious, serious, more mature women.

Since that time I've put a lot of thought into dating. As everyone does when they are young, I dated recreationally, looking for no more than a good partner. I'm in my early thirties now and though I don't feel old, I still like the idea of having one true, devoted woman you can come to and support always. It's very difficult in this society of instant gratification and too much selfishness. I'm too idealistic and romantic, which can be a problem. I don't get involved too easily though when I do, it's for certain. Trying to reconcile my dating prospects with my submissive urges has been interesting.

I picture the woman I'm looking for- a devoted, loving wife, passionate, intelligent and caring but also somewhat maternal. She believes in female superiority, at least in play, and is not hesitant about corporal punishment. She understands men need guidance and some work to be the man the woman wants them to be and accepts her role as his nurturer and guardian.

I agree, it's somewhat selfish but I'm still working on it. For now that's my ideal picture.


Blogger Polyfetishist said...

Actually what you wrote sounds more sane than selfish.

Some men picture themselves as being impossibly submissive. Oddly many women don't want that.

And they do want a man who desires a whole woman, not just some Mean Machine.

4:50 AM  

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